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onimusha73 - BANNED

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onimusha73 banned.

Piracy of Resident Evil 4, excessive profanity, abusive language

"Hey a**hole this trainer very stupid, garbage... can not use in pirated game... very very stupid programmer.. f*** YOU"

From our Terms of Service and Forum and Commenting Guidelines:

"Be Civil!
We do not tolerate 'trolling' or harassment of any kind. Do not belittle, discredit, or aggressively criticise another member or their content. If you do not like something or have nothing constructive to add, it's best to simply move along.

Content that can be construed as provocative, objectionable, discriminatory, or abusive toward any real-world individual or group, may be subject to moderation. This includes but is not limited to content involving politics, race, religion, gender identity, sexuality, or social class.

No profanity. It is perfectly possible to express yourself using civil language. Do not attempt to circumvent the profanity filter.

Content that enables or promotes or violation of Nexus Mods Policies and Guidelines, illegal activity, including software piracy, is strictly prohibited.

Anti-Piracy Policy
We have a strict anti-piracy policy and will take proactive action against anyone whose on-site activity gives us reasonable grounds to believe they are using pirated content such as, but not limited to, games and software. Discussing, promoting or distributing such content on our sites will be met with administrative action."

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Moderation history
This member received 0 informal warnings and 0 formal warnings before they were banned

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