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Request: Hold Jump to Fly, M2 to Crash Down AOE ability.


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The above link is video I found to be a good example of what I am looking for in this mod. The jump he does at 12s and the crashing AOE attack, just imagine that with your skyrim character. To add to this I think it would be nice if you could use your sprint button to propel you forward while in the air for hold jump has mostly a vertical uplift to it. I would also like the vertical uplift to be capped at much higher elevation, or have it so each user can change how high they can go to meet their own preferences.


I Don't want the ability to use up stamina or any other resource, but rather gradually have the uplifting effect fade away. So make it after you peak the height of the arcing jump, you maintain that ark downward unless you use the sprint button to propel you forward to cover a greater distance. An option of having it use stamina/mana or nothing to meet every user's preferences is recommended.

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is a cool idea. - similar to Batman's shockwave attack in Arkham City or the "impact" dragons have in the Dragon Combat Overhaul mod. - you are dragon born. Maybe you are able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, and then crash down and stagger all those around you.


"May the ground quake as you pass."

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