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the deadly robots mod?


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I was searching and saw the mod named6 "Deadly Turrets" and read its description. It said it made the turret acts random around and inside some building and these weapons are stronger. They have more weapons such as rocket, bullet, laser, and plasma. The turrets have the hardest defense as well. It also have hacking terminal for choose clear data which will change turrets into your ally. I like this mod but don't want to play it because it focus on turrets only. So I want know if someone on fallout 3 or new vegas can make or find the mods for all robots. I search all over for robots but can't find it. I know this beside turrets, there some robots that don't have terminal. That why I want someone to make or find mods that contains a weapon/tool in inventory for hacking all robots within "range." Please! I am not very good to make mods. I don't understand and suck at modding.

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