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Game of Thrones mods for Skyrim?


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I am a huge fan of both TES V Skyrim and the ASOIAF books, as well as the Game of Thrones series by HBO. Now, I know there are already several existing mods for Skyrim that make the world seem more like Westeros (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0r9rGyX6mQg) but I am wondering if more exist that do different things...


For example, I know one of the mods in the link above is basically an overhaul for the original game (things like Windhelm being named Winterfell, and Dragonsreach being painted red.) But I was wondering if this could be combined with other ideas. So, you create your character (can be any race), but you also chose your house (Stark, Lannister, Targaryen etc) although the questlines can be accesible to anyone, the main story of the Dovahkiin is aimed more towards a Targaryen, however the Stormcloaks (renamed The Stark army or whatever) is more towards a Stark or Tully. Weapons, such as Valyrian steel can be smithed. And there is even an option to join the Kingsguard or the Nights Watch. I can just imagine the college quest being about slaying White Walkers.


So I'm really interested in this kind of idea, can people please let me know if any of these ideas already exist. If not, it might be something I'll have to start working on...

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