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Problem with SKSE when used with FXAA PPI


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I will try to describe my problem the best I could. When I do not use an injector, such as FXAA PPI or any ENB, SKSE works absolutely fine. However, when I instal FXAA PPI or an ENB, SKSE starts to experience problems. The game still launchers through SKSE, but once I continue my game, it takes about a minute to load. When I finally loaded, I get about 5-10FPS. Now, it is strange because if I run the game through the skyrimlauncher, everything is fine without any loss of FPS. If I uninstall the injectors, SKSE works fine again.

Sorry for the white highlight, I dont know how to remove it


My system:

Geforce GTX680M 4GB GDDR5

16GB DDR3 Ram

314.22 nVidia Drivers


*note* I made a post earlier concerning ENBs, but the problem was not resolved(I think it is same problem as this)

Edited by calbin
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