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The Road Warrior


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The leather armor. Dogmeat. Sawed-off shotgun. The raiders. Hell, even Lord Humongous is mentioned.


There are plenty of obvious references to everyone's favorite post-apocolyptic move: The Road Warrior. Now, homages are one thing, but wouldn't a mod that actually makes the gameplay more like the movie? Would it be possible to flesh out the raider faction and maybe make it so that you can actually talk to a raider leader without everyone trying to kill you? What about making ridable cars and motorcycles for the raiders to drive and use to terrorize the wastelanders? Why don't we put in a town somewhere out in the desolate NW area of the map and make its central characteristic the THUNDERDOME! What about a GTS compatible world map located in Australia that is just a desolate desert, save for malicious gangs of punk bikers?


To put it simply, I was surpised by the total lack of Thunderdome arena mods, and anything mad max related except some character/dogmeat reskins...

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Well, one of the key part of mad max were always the motorbike gangs, the vehicles and the street fights, so to get more mad max flair it needs driveable motorbikes and cars. But thats not enough, if you can't also do street races and fights. I think that is something nearly impossible to add. It would need a lot of brand new animations, meshes and some real clever scripts.
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Well, one of the key part of mad max were always the motorbike gangs, the vehicles and the street fights, so to get more mad max flair it needs driveable motorbikes and cars. But thats not enough, if you can't also do street races and fights. I think that is something nearly impossible to add. It would need a lot of brand new animations, meshes and some real clever scripts.



Of course it's no easy task, but I think it may be possible. There is already that drivable motorcycle, and doesn't that basically just give you a new "running" animation and faster movement? If that is so, then it would be feasible to shoot and "drive" (which would be the same thing as running, essentially) at the same time. As for the location... that would probably require a whole new setting, but at least that world map wouldn't need much detail, right? If a vast Outback desert setting were created, wouldn't it just be an expanse of reddish brown dirt and sand? Maybe some rocky outcroppings here and there as well as a dirt road of sorts?


I know that this would be a huge undertaking, but I think that this would be one of those "must have" mods. Oh, and any other smaller Road Warrior projects would be nice too!

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Well you right, the Driveable Motorbike is a Armor, so if you just give NPCs those Armors, they would drive too. But that's not the point. What matters, Enemys always go straight towards you, so how you want get hot pursuits? Of corse a little bit more GTA in Fallout would be freaking cool, but as I said, I dont think its possible. Anyway, the landscape would be the smallest problem. If you just look the movies and you see that the landscapes in Mad Max mostly totally flat and with very small count of objects. Well, just Outbacks...


The only thing else may could be added is the oil refinery, but in another way, coz in Fallout Lore Oil isn't that important. Machines mostly run with energy cells. I think it would be really good to add the refinery as a Ammo Factory, coz its really leaking for explanation why there is so much ammo in Fallout. Well, in Mad Max there isn't, as you can see, Max always is happy about every shotgun shell and most people fight with bows, knifes, spears and so on.


Mad Max has by the way a much better and logical timeline than Fallout. Following the three movies you can see a the collapse of civilisation. Max1 == World is mostly intact, but there are a lot of social problems and conflict zones, were the law is weaker than the outlaws. Max2 == The Civilisation is broke, but there are still ressources left and the people feed from the rests of it. Max3 == The ressources are used up and people return to middelaged transportations like horses. Places like Bartertown are build and a new kind of civilisation is born. Fallout itself fits mostly to Mad Max 3 in its technologie and civilisation condition. But Fallout has a few leaks of logic. For example, they have in some parts future technologie, but there is no electricity. If there are so much Energie Cells, it shouldn't be a problem to run electricity also.

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Well you right, the Driveable Motorbike is a Armor, so if you just give NPCs those Armors, they would drive too. But that's not the point. What matters, Enemys always go straight towards you, so how you want get hot pursuits? Of corse a little bit more GTA in Fallout would be freaking cool, but as I said, I dont think its possible. Anyway, the landscape would be the smallest problem. If you just look the movies and you see that the landscapes in Mad Max mostly totally flat and with very small count of objects. Well, just Outbacks...


The only thing else may could be added is the oil refinery, but in another way, coz in Fallout Lore Oil isn't that important. Machines mostly run with energy cells. I think it would be really good to add the refinery as a Ammo Factory, coz its really leaking for explanation why there is so much ammo in Fallout. Well, in Mad Max there isn't, as you can see, Max always is happy about every shotgun shell and most people fight with bows, knifes, spears and so on.


Mad Max has by the way a much better and logical timeline than Fallout. Following the three movies you can see a the collapse of civilisation. Max1 == World is mostly intact, but there are a lot of social problems and conflict zones, were the law is weaker than the outlaws. Max2 == The Civilisation is broke, but there are still ressources left and the people feed from the rests of it. Max3 == The ressources are used up and people return to middelaged transportations like horses. Places like Bartertown are build and a new kind of civilisation is born. Fallout itself fits mostly to Mad Max 3 in its technologie and civilisation condition. But Fallout has a few leaks of logic. For example, they have in some parts future technologie, but there is no electricity. If there are so much Energie Cells, it shouldn't be a problem to run electricity also.



I think we can make all that work story-wise by using the GTS to put the map marker in the middle of the outback. Since Australia is on the opposite side of the world, circumstances could be different. Perhaps Australia wasn't as technologically developed as the USA, and they didn't have all sorts of fission batteries, nuclear reactors, or energy weapons. Instead of nuclear power, they rely on the little oil that's left in the world. This area could have a totally different economy in which bottle caps are totally worthless and gasoline is the currency of the land. Of course all this isn't going to be anywhere near canon, but I think it is still a plausible explanation.


Now as to what you were saying about the AI behavior. I honestly don't know much about how that works. I think it wouldn't need to be changed much though. Instead of the raider chasing after you on foot, they are chasing after you in a car/bike. Just like how a fallen enemy with a shotgun is going to have shotgun shells on his person, a dead road warrior is going to have lootable gasoline loot. Perhaps this hypothetical mod could use the MMM3 mod that lets enemies loot their fallen comrades or enemies. This would make the whole "killing for gas" a little more intertwined with the actual gameplay.

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