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Having a CTD problem.


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So working on a dawnguard sidequest for lost to the ages with the atherium shards and the location south of ivarsted walked to from any direction CTD. Had the same problem with the dawnguard mainquest line quest a new order recruiting gunmar anywhere past gunmar towards the bear CTD just console command completed that. But I still need access to deep folk crossing so I can't just console command finish it.


Quick rundown


Load order








Cleaned dirty edits with boss/TES5


Boss still has bashtag suggestiong haven't looked into wyrebash to much yet.


Heard people saying BOSS can help you fix load order don't see that function.


Any suggestions aside from deleting all mods and trying again.

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Couple of things.


101Bugs isn't compatible with UFO if i remember right.


A Quality World Map can cause issues. (Don't forget HIgh Quality 3D Map as that's most likely part of it)


And perhaps Wearable Lanterns.




You can download BOSS here --> http://code.google.com/p/better-oblivion-sorting-software/downloads/list


Install it and run it, it will organize the loadorder as best as possible.

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