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caedo101 - BANNED

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caedo101 banned.




Reason for the ban

Insulting Staff


Obviously i can see how unintelligent you are, by the fact of how that was a statement. I said i joined the chat and i asked for help, doesn't mean its a help chat. ill say this again. Just for you. It was a statement, unrelated to my question in which you are clearly ignoring completely. What kind of moderator are you in the technical forums when you can't even help with a question, but would rather criticize me over the name and use of a chat room that hardly anyone uses. Now why would i report you to Robin, or whoever he is. Whats the purpose. Just do me a favor quit being a moderator, you're bad at it. Id rather have some help with my question rather than get harassed by your ass all day now hop off thanks.


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One of the common indicators of intelligence is the ability to follow directions in order to get something done. That indicator seems to be missing in the OPs complaint. :rolleyes:

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