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NMM questions


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I have recently decided to stop manually installing mods and give in to using the NMM with the hope it works like the Curse App. Unfortunatly I seem to have done something wrong and after searching through the forums have been unable to locate anything that is closely related to my issue. The problem I am having is any mods that I do download are not being installed to my Skyrim game. I know the NMM app has located my game due it showing all the mods I have previously installed manually. I'm assuming since I am using a Toshiba QosmioX 505 that has a C: for windows componets and a D: for everything else that this could be causing me an issue on having NMM install the mods. If someone has had this problem before and found out a solution I would appreciate it if you could share the information on fixing this problem.

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Try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClqtmSUsFhg&list=PL20E326325BADAE44&index=2


Gopher is a great teacher and expains everything clearly.

I always fall back to his videos if i cant figure it out my problems.


The only other option that i can think of is to check if FMM is installing it to your game file.


like this: (I assume u have FMM open and running)


1. click the settings icon

2. select the "Skyrim" tab

3. check that the "Skyrim Directory" is pointing to the corect place

Example: Mine is : C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim


I hope this helps a little


Agraveld Tor

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