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Difficulty level not for followers ?


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Difficulties affect damage the player and NPC take. At high level, player takes more, NPCs take less. Followers are treated as NPCs, as a result, they take less damage. Difficulties do not actually affect damage output of either player or NPCs. Player and followers appear to do less damage to other NPCs at higher difficulties because NPCs would take less damage. So in short, followers are affected by difficulties but at higher difficulties, they take less damage and do less damage while player take more and do less.

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the values for the Player are written at uesp wiki. expert x1,5 , master x2, legendary x3 damage taken, expert 0,75, master 0,5, legendary 0,25 damage made. i am looking for these excact values for followers.

Edited by magicrealm
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Difficulties change (1) Damage the player take and (2) Damage NPCs take.

In the table on UESP, there are two columns: Player damage dealt and Player damage taken. The first columns should be understood as NPCs damage taken as difficulties do not alter the damage player deals but the damage NPCs take. The value of the first column is also the value of NPCs damage dealt to other NPCs. At Legendary, for example, one NPC would deal 0.25x damage to another NPC and take 0.25x damage from the attack of that NPC.

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