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I'm almost positive that that is not Norio Wakamoto doing that voice. Wakamoto is totally hammy, over the top, and a big fan of rolling his Rs, and his voice is generally smooth, not gravelly and kinda monotone like the guy doing Harkon.


Sorta related: I play with Japanese audio, and I haven't yet recognized any of the seiyuu, which is a bit frustrating for the anime fan in my soul. And I haven't yet found a list of the seiyuu, either. So if you come across any info about the seiyuu, please share.

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Sorry, dood, I suck at identifying female seiyuu, except occasionally Junko Takeuchi. Maybe I should have said before. Probably comes from watching mostly shounen anime. ;)


Please keep in mind that the Japanese seiyuu and American voice actor don't always match up, and neither do their types of roles.

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