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SSD size trouble after mods


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Hi everyone,i was just start the skyrim se ultimate modding guide but after loading texture packs my entire 120 gb ssd completly filled.


Right know skyrim is around 35gb and nmm is around 50 gb and i also have windows in that ssd so there is no space left.I was thinking the move skyrim or nexus mod manager to another sdd but afraid to ruin mods i already have.Is it gonna make any problem to do it?Can someone help please.

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idk. 120 gb for a primary is a bit tight. I suspect it's woefully small for SE. I carry a similar storage load, about 83Gb in my skyrim folder. But ...I have a 500G primary, so I'm not hitting any limits so far. AND I have that much again in archived files, utilities, game snapshots, etc off another "skyrim stuff" folder.


tbh, If it were me, and if I wanted all the stuff the ultimate modding guide said to install, and I wasn't willing to reinstall Windows on a newer, bigger drive, I'd surrender the 120G drive to your OS and "stuff", get a new drive, ideally 500G or more (drives are cheap these days ~$60-$70 US) , and install the game there.


If you go that route, consider back-peddling on what you just installed, (ie, all those new textures), then use or install and use all those handy dandy in-game utilities for saving all your specs, item lists, character definition - custom bodyslide presets, racemenu stuff, anything archivable, etc before you start fiddling with the hardware, so you don't lose too much ground coming back. Oh... And store the output of those utilities to somewhere safe, so when it comes time to add them to a new install, you have them.

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