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Eye Magic?


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Ever since I spotted "Combat Art - Black Fire" buried within someone's magic mod (I can't remember who's, I downloaded a bunch at the same time and never thought to check), I've been wondering if it were possible to add magic powers to eyes, the same way shouts and certain powers are equipped to the 'mouth' slot.


My thought was to have 'x' as the left eye 'c' as the right eye (how many people actually use auto-run these days anyway?)


Or maybe have 'x' operating both eyes simultaneously instead of equipping a spell to each? (I've seen a few Superman mods that would benefit from eye beams being equipped to eye slots, thus allowing frost breath to be equipped to the mouth, whilst still leaving both fists for punching)


Any thoughts? I'm fairly sure it would require SKSE and/or SkyUI to operate.

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