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sirov199 - BANNED

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sirov199 banned.

Reason for the ban
Troll flaming, profanity and doesn't play well with others - or bother reading the Terms of service.


Dude, you're f***ing retarded. First of all, did you even think of adding a tiny bit of balance when making this mod!?!?!? f***ing everything oneshots you or at the very least 3 shots you. Then you have 2 bears, a wolf, and a bandit attacking you out of nowhere. Great work. Second, what the f*** were you smoking when you thought it would be a good idea to let every creature in the game knock the player down and perma stun them? Seriously what the f***ing hell? If it wasn't for the fact that saber cats, giants, boars, and probably 50 other monsters perma stun you by touching you, this may have been a good mod. Please delete this s*** off skyrim nexus.

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