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Problems after reinstalling Skyrim - Better Vampires and game crash


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I'm italian (and also Skyrim is really stressing me! XD) so I'll try to be brief

1. Few months ago I uninstalled Skyrim and erased all the mods
2. In the last few days I've reinstalled Skyrim, a big portion of the previous mods and other new mods
(>>2.1 Among the previous mods there was the Better Vampires by Brahmin, but I installed the latest version of the mod, not the one that I had during the prevoius game session)
3. Today I changed the appearence of my character (with the enahnced menu mod) and I noticed that her race was "player race", so I restored the Breton race.
4. After few minutes of game I noticed that a big number of the Vampire Spells that I used to have were vanished (like Prestare Sanguinare) and also that I COULD NO MORE feed from sleeping people or transform them
5. I thought that probably the problem was in having installed a new version of the Better vampire mod (while in the previous savegame I had an older version), so, I followed the instruction on how to install it correctly (reset the mod from the in-game menu.. ecc), but after the step in wich I uninstalled the mod the game crashed down after the Bethesda logo. I tried to Install again the vampire mod and the game still crashes. I tried to deactivate al the mods (except the mods regarding animations, like FNIS, immersive animations and Dual sheath) but the game still crashes...

I hope someone can hep me...

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