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Actual Armored Royal Crowns


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I've come across a few mods that are "crowns" but not actually what I'm looking for. The closest I've seen is the Lich King helmet which isn't actually a crown but the almost what I am looking for.




Crown of King Elessar is also similar to what I envision for the crowns mod.






The crowns wouldn't be that tall as the Lich King helmet but similar in that cool/sleek design. They would be crafted with different ingot, their armor rating would be relative to the ingot, some mixed with different ingots, and some could even be jewel encrusted (whatever the designer decides). The important think is that they look like they could be worn in battle.


These crowns aren't exactly what I want but I think they would be the right size. Some would probably look cool with some tweaks.




This all goes back to the top of the Lich King helmet. Crowns with that cool and tough look, but with a variety of colors and styles. I think A lot of Skyrim players would like this kind of mod including me. I've searched though the forum but haven't come across a request like this so I decided I would make one. I'm kind of surprised that no has created a mod like this yet.


BTW the crown of Barenziah is way too big and outrageous. Just wanted to say that.

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