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Stardew Valley

Looking for sprite artists to update an old mod i'm remaking


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Hey guys, i plan on updating an old mod i made 4 years ago back when stardew valley was under chucklefish games, I reuploaded an old mod here on nexus, but since its a npc replacement mod, i plan on making said npc a seperate character entirely, with likes, dislikes, event dialogue, etc, but to do that, i need help updating his old sprite sheet since his sprites used Sam's sprite sheet so he uses similar actions and stuff, I also need to update his character portrait to a new design i plan on doing, if you wish to know more, I have a discord: KaiserLeospike#5001 but until then, feel free to check out my legacy mod here




*Old Sprite sheet done by Ailin from the chucklefish forums

I also plan on updating his design to this current new look i have planned, his outfit would be more in-line to something you'd see from Rune Factory, character drawn by a friend from a discord server im in, so here's his work he made

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