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Adding a master .esm file for a non dependant .esp


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As I finished the quest the gift, my Lydia is a vampire now. I want to add the nice Serana eyes to her by CK, but my already used .esp file for Lydia (I just changed hair, eyebrows and other faceGenData stuff there, nothing else, not even weight) depends only on Skyrim.esm and Update.esm and therefore does not deliver the Serana eyes as a choice in the drop down menu.


Is it harmless to load the Dawnguard.esm in addition to the other .esm files and the .esp as an active file and save the eye change or may that corrupt something? Maybe I am just overcatious, but I once managed it to kill the complete marriage script, Lydia's general store script included.

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...and I second the "retarded engine" phrase.


I play Skrim with tons of 2k, 4k, and even some 8k resolution mods on exaggerated grafic settings (4 SSAA, 8 x SGSAA for transp. AA, 16x AF), a normal ultra .ini setting and was welcomed in the CTD hell after a certain Skyrim patch.


I found out that suddenly I have to decrease the system pressure to increase overall performance (be it by uninstalling texture mods, or downgrading texture mods or decreasing grafic settings drastically) for my i7 2600K, 2 x Geforce Asus 670 GTX 4 GB VRAM (each) SLI, 256 GB SSD, 16 GB RAM.


After trying several options I realized that unchecking the official high rez downloads (that might cover only a few inches of my already by texture mods altered Skyrim) increases my performance by over 100%, playing Skyrim now almost fluently again.


I have no idea what this high rez .esp files actually do, but grafical/visual gain bears no proportion to the performance loss.

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