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Textures Issues


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Hi all,


I've just recently gotten into modding, but spent basically all week configuring stuff. Got everything just like I want it pretty much - except I seem to be having issues with a couple of things.


The textures on the cauldrons throughout the world, and edges of steps seem to have low res (see pics)


I have the 2k HD textures installed (all of them) along with the bethesda ones. I've tried disabled once/both with no result.


I'm also using the SMIM mod with Dynamic snow - but have installed/ordered everything properly.

I have a few other mods installed - but nothing else that would affect these textures (I would assume anyway - they are mostly lighting overhauls, CoT, etc... etc...). I tried installing the High Def rocks too, considering that these were rock textures - still with no luck.


Thanks in advance,


Kelsey :smile:


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