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Vampires killing random folk ?


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...and be careful if you fast travel to certain locations inside towns (Thieves Guild secret entrance, Blue Palace, the Jarl keeps in cities etc.). Sometimes you hang around there maybe a few minutes while vampires spawn at the main entrance of the city and til you realize that and are able to move to them, they killed some townsfolk, important quest NPCs maybe included (the most are only essential as long a quest line is running and/or they follow you). I once didn't realize a vampire attack at all, did a lot of stuff in an interior dungeon in Markarth (hours and hours of playing) and afterwards I left the interior and a courier told me about three inheritances....


So follow the best advice in Skyrim at all: Save often!

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they really not that bad

if i read correctly there is a 2 % chance each time when you enter a city or leace a builfing in that city there is a vampire attack and usually they spawn at the same place and mostluy at night only a few times see it happening during the day


there is a give away to know when a vazmpire attack is about to happen or taking place and that is when a guard makes a comment about vampire attacks

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