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Wrong Music Glitch


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Hey, I'm having a weird glitch that popped up a while ago, where the normal roaming / town music plays at all times except combat, and its getting very annoying, especially when it plays in place of normal dungeon music like on the forgotten vale. Any ideas?

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  • 2 weeks later...

i found a solution!

i was having my OWN music looping glitch and i figured out how to fix it. Just like the combat music looping bug, all you have to do is identify the peice of music that's playing and disable it.


Open the console with "~" and type in, "help mus". - This will give a list of ALL the game's music files and variations. Use the PAGEUP and PAGEDOWN keys to scroll up and down the generated list. if you type, "addmusic" and then any one of those songs listed, it will play. if you type in, "removemusic" and the song name, it will stop. So all you have to do is identify the song that's annoying you and disable it. Unfortunately, there's no way to stop ALL running tracks, so you'll have to identify the annoying loop yourself. Try starting songs that sound like it might be the tune you're stuck hearing. Once you stumble onto the song that's been looping, it's easy to turn off.


( i can't remember any of the songs' names, so keep in mind that i'm making them up! )


The song titles are pretty self explanitory and sometimes it'd easy to spot on the list of songs, but if the song you have looping is a combat tune, try typing in "addmusic MUSCombat1", listen to see if that's the song, then type, "REMOVEmusic MUSCombat1", and it'll stop. if that's not the song, then try, "addmusic MUSCombat2", "addmusic MUSCombat3" or "addmusic MUSCombat4" or whatever. Just keep trying each song until you identify the troublesome loop, then remove it with "removemusic whateverthesongtitleis".


-Kawai Tei-

Edited by Kawai Tei
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