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AFAIK BellyachesNewDragonSpecies.esp might cause issues.

didn't work too well on my rig, possibly the high res textures caused the issues. Or something.


Does the crash happen in certain area? Can you reproduce the craft by running into same location?

what high textures fix or other high res textures esp??




dont worry i think got it working now thank you for helping me out on this much appreciated

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When I see 'crashes in about 10 minutes' I first look at temperatures. An overheating graphics card can cause this - and if not fixed soon it can cause permanent damage.


Na it's totally fine now havent had crashed since 6pm

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Right It's crashing again but it only crashes when i put high res textures 01,02,03 esm when it's off it's look horrible help anyone???

i wanna keep the high res textures but it will only play without high res textures

Edited by BritishFerret
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