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How to remove the sun from Climates of Tamriel mod ?


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I am using Climates of Tamriel mod,

but I don't like the new sun that seem to big, pink, and shiny.


I would like to bring vanilla sun back with Climates of Tamriel working properly, is this possible?


The only way I am seing is to get the vanilla sun texture file, and put it in:

Data/Textures/Sky/climatesoftamriell ,

I don't know how to get this file, since skyrim does not show vanilla files, but maybe a modder could have it and share it?


Thx for any help

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Nope, that isn't how you do it, it's actually much easier! ^_^


Go out one folder to just the textures/sky folder, then delete the sun.dds and sunglare.dds from that folder! Simple as that. Or search 'sun' in the nexus, and install a new mod to replace just the sun with one you like better (I personally did this, as the CoT sun doesn't match the look of the clouds and sky at all IMO)

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Thx for the quick answer ArtMurder,


but I am not using the manual version of Climates of Tamriel, so I can't delete indivitual files.

I am not english to begin with, so I am using a translated version of the mod, that would otherwise put all the towns' names and other things, in english.

Unfortunately, this translated version does not have any manual installation version .

I know it is a detail, but I like my games to be fully in my own language for immersion .


I've red posts about this mod, and I know you can change the sun even if you have the NMM/Bain Install + .BSA Archive install version, by just creating the file destination yourself at Data/Textures/Sky/climatesoftamriell, and put the sun files you want in it.


Now I just need a generous moddeur to give me all the vanilla sun files I need to put in that folder if it is possible,

or maybe there is still an other way? but it seems unlikely...

Edited by Cysia
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If it's not the manual version then it is much harder (this is why I ALWAYS manually install my mods, I personally really dislike NMM)


The easy way work around would simply be installing ANOTHER sun mod which does place files in the textures/sky folder, as files in these folders will get priority over files in BSAs I believe.


The thing is, at least to my knowledge, someone else CAN'T upload the vanilla files for you, as it is considered copyright infringement to upload Bethesda created files to the nexus.


And I understand wanting to have everything in your language, some random mod changed the name of a few dungeons to german or russian in my game once, and I found it very annoying, espically considering I had NO IDEA which mod did it or why.




The only other thing I can think of would be to unpack the BSA file, remove the sun.dds and sunglare.dds, and then repack it.

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Just just create a folder "data\textures\sky\climatesoftamriel" and put your new sun.dds and sunglare.dds there, you must have both files - and putting them in "data\textures\sky" does not change the sun, because CoT uses a BSA archieve with a different folder structure. CoT is great but that sun, horrible, round glowing ball. Now at least the sun is a SUN bright and blinding which actually desaturates when looking right into it (if you use it with ENB, that is)


And here, nice sun; http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/116/



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Thx both of you.


- Art Murder =>


How do I unpack and repack a BSA file ?


Yea it's pretty annoying when some names are in english I had to make lots of tests to find it was CoT's fault, and I had to use the NMM french version :(

It is not a amtter of comprhension, but rather of harmonisation for immersion.


- prod80=>


I'm glad someone else also find that CoT sun horrible as well.

I knew I could replace it with any other sun mod, but unfortunately none is interesting to me,

I find all of them too shiny and "in your face", I want defaut sun back :(

I like shiny suns, but not in Skyrim, I think subtile sun suits better this cold land.

I might try your sun mod though, can't be worse than CoT's sun...




I'm trying to use BSAopt to unpack the bsa file, and then repack it, can't find how to do though, I hope I won't break it by trying.

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You can also edit climatesoftamriel.esm file using tes5edit and simply change the 4 entries refering to cot folder back to default Sky\sun.dds and Sky\sunglare.dds instead of the Sky\climatesoftamriel\sun & sunglare.dds it's pointing to now...


Then go into textures\sky and make sure there are no files called sun.dds and sunglare.dds, then the game will default back to the originals in Skyrim - textures.bsa file automatically.


much easier I'd say............



Just be aware that all the modifications (blooming, saturations and so on) of CoT will still apply, even to your default sun. The difference will be minimal (I have tried)... The normal sun is a bit less bright and a bit smaller. But that's about it. I do run with ENB - so if you dont your results might be completely different..

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Ok thx a lot prod80

I'll try this it seems much easier.


I managed to unpack the bsa file with BSAopt, but I did not know how to repack it.

After deleting the sun files, I tried to use the unpacked files instead by copying them in the data folder (textures and soudns packs), as if I was making a manual installation, but it did not work, I had a light bug in the sky.

So maybe I really need a BSA files to match with my esm and the back file, or maybe it did work but this mod is bugging on my installaiton with the defaut sun.


I'll try your tip prod80




I'm in tes5edit, I clock on Climates of Tamriel on the right column and it shows me many sub categories (File Header, Climate, Image Space, Region, Sound Descriptor, shader particle geometry, weather) , with items in each (with a large number and a name) but I have no idea about what I should do, and I don't want to mess with my whole installation.


I never moded anything and this looks like chinses language to me.

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Not meaning to do any self promoting hear, but I actually have a sun mod that makes the sun tiny and faint. It's one of the optional files for "more alien skyrim" it may actually be to your taste. If you don't like it, just try searching through some of the other less popular sun mods, as most of the popular ones are big and bright and in your face.


And I wasn't 100% sure how priority worked with BSAs, but I am pretty sure the sun CoT uses is actually in the textures/sky folder itself, and not in the CoT folder inside the sky folder like everything else in CoT. At least, that's how it is in the loose files version.


And BSAopt is the right program. You simply unpack everything from it, and then remove the sun files, and then repack them into a NEW BSA, and name it EXACTLY the same thing as CoT's BSA. I'm not 100% sure how you do this though to be honest...


The ESM/ESP files for the version that included the BSA will reference the BSA, and if it's not present, it will not work correctly, sadly, even if all the files are unpacked in the proper folders.

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Hey ArtMurder... nop the bsa has a folder sky\climatesoftamriel\ otherwise any texture replacer would overwrite it... the loose file version is different.


@Cysia; if im not mistaking it's under Climate ...youll have something like DefaultClimate, KarthClimate under it... 4-5 deifferent ones (I think 4) .. when you click on one of them then on the right side you can see a comparison between Skyrim.esm and Climatesoftamriel.esm and a texture reference being overwritten from Skyrim.esm by CoT from Sky\sun.dds to Sky\climatesoftamriel\sun.dds


You need to edit the second entry to match the first entry on both sun and sunglare so that the Cot.esm one matches the Skyrim.esm one. You need to do this on each Climate on the left, it's not too much...


After that you can either use the default Skyrim sun, or use any replacer like ArtMurder suggests, and simply install with NMM or place into textures\sky folder.



Unpacking the bsa archive will work as well, but you still have to follow the folder structure coming from the climatesoftamriel.esm file or it simply will become a huge mess in your game when CoT and Skyrim default textures meet :D

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