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Skyrim NIFskope help


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So I am creating a armor mod. When I went into NIFskope I loaded the folder that is supposed to have all the skeletons and what not. The malebody_0 and malebody_1 and also the first person male hands and head were not there. In skyrim the body's are there i checked. But not in the folder. I searched my whole computer for the files and couldn't find them. Where are they? How is skyrim still using them? How can I fix this?
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All the files you'll need are found in the .BSA files of skyrim. (Meshes, sounds etc.) (Located in the data folder)

You'll need an Archive Utility like the one for fallout 3 to open the BSA files, or

you can simply use the Archive exe. in your Skyrim folder.

Personally I use the FO3 Archive Utility, but the skyrim one works fine aswell.


Select the files you need, then extract them by using the menu. You'll will be asked

where you want the files to be placed, just remember to select the right place for your mod.


Loose files will take priority over the BSA. archive but in this particular case, they are just

needed to get the right path so you don't need to upload them together with your mod. (Just to make that clear)


I hope this will help you, good luck!

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the only NIF files that are in my character assets are:












I'm missing all the male NIFs. But in game males still work. Why can't I find the male files but I can still see male characters ingame.

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They should really be located inside the BSA file: Skyrim - Meshes.bsa

Which is located in the skyrim/data/ folder.

I even checked it myself. They still show up ingame because skyrim uses the .bsa Archive

to generate them, instead if the loose files you have located in skyrim/data/meshes/ etc. folder.

To access the bsa file, see my earlier post. If it is not in there, then I really don't know.

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