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Cheydinhal Sancutary Well


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I've run into a bug with one of my mods that makes the Dark Brotherhood well impossible to use. Even with the key in my inventory, the "This door needs a special key" message always denies me. I tried it from the other end where the ladder is as well.


If I wanted to turn off the key requirement and have the well always open (even before the DB questline starts) how would I do that?

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ric36 the problem witht hat is that it's not a standerd lock. it's a scriptyou'd have to ahve a mod to unlock it. by goign in to the CS and removign the script there used to be a mod for it but it seems all the good mods ar evanishign left and right.



EDIT: Wait Here it is




it basicly unlocks the well even if your not a member. but if your not a member your an enemy

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