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Hey there again, prod80! :smile: Thanks for the in-depth reply, you're the man! :biggrin: I will definitely apply all this when I get home... And I will try unpacking those highres Bethesda textures and removing them from my load order! :smile: Wondering if it'll conflict with the Skyrim Unofficial High Resolution Patch though?


I had my fiance play around a bit with my game and eventually it did freeze (not crash) when I think she was trying to Fast Travel... So here's the screenshot of that;



Other than that, it didn't seem to crash, at all!! Which is quite surprising... Would you mind checking my ini files, mainly the Skyrim ones, when you get a chance? I am worried I may have done something foolish somewhere, and that is what is causing issues... I installed that HQ3D Map, you will see the lines for it in SkyrimPrefs.ini (my one), however I don't see much of an improvement on the map? Or it must have been a long time since I saw the map and can't tell the difference?


I decided to try this ENB preset tonight: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/30936



You will have to unpack the Unofficial highres bsa as well...


Do it like this...


Unpack Highres bsa pack 1 into a folder... inside this folder make sure Skyrim folder structure is followed... Starting with Data\<subfolders>

Unpack Highres pack 2 and 3 to the same folder all following the correct structure

Unpack the Unofficial bsa as well in the same folder, overwrite when asked


Now, zip/rar/7z or whatever this whole Data folder (so the archive inside starts with "Data") and when this is done open NMM -> Mods tab -> Add -> From file -> Pick your new archive...


Then install with NMM and do not overwrite anything!!!


Now you have the highres files, managed by NMM so you can easily uninstall,reinstall,overwrite,edit,optimize,whatever when required...


of course you can also separately zip each Highres pack and UHRP and install in order (1, 2, 3, UHRP) overwriting the previous when asked (but not overwriting any other files of course).


If you dont do this method... then when you install a large overhaul you have to click "no" in NMM for 30 minutes, as the option "No to mod" will not be available.... :wink:


Of course disable all related .esp's (uninstall them) disable/uninstall the highres DLC, and make sure the Highres bsa names are removed from Skyrim.ini / SkyrimPrefs.ini as well under






As the load screen hanging... I had the same behavior... resources did not spike past ~2.7-2.8GB but the screen did hang... I have done tests if this would be related to VRAM usage (and as a result RAM usage as well) and it turned out it was... removing my larger texture files solved it when I forced my system in infinite loadcsreen (I overloaded it for testing on purpose)


I did however seens some cases where "A Quality World Map" caused the load screen to hang, and ini settings under [MapMenu] causing various problems... [MapMenu] tweaks shouldnt be used anymore in the newer updates of Skyrim.


Heya prod80, I just got home, yay! :smile: I am from before the days of a Mod Manager, so i prefer to have utmost control when installing mods, and my procedure thereof is quite banal. The only time I ever use NMM is for those mods who absolutely insist on having it (due to a gazillions features to mix and match) so I avoid wasting time and just use it... It does piss me off when I decide to delete those mod archive files, and then NMM goes all hay-wire and decides to remove all the content from my Skyrim install... Understandable, but it totally messed up my entire "Graphics Overhaul" process which I'll explain below;


I start with a genre of mods, like Graphics Overhauls, Gameplay Enhancements, etc, then inside each folder, in this case Graphics Overhauls, I will have several sub-folders such as 1st Install, 2nd Install, 3rd Install etc... The reason for this is so I can install mods in order, once I have single-handedly gone through each and every one for conflicts (yes, I actually do this, hence why my game worked from scratch with 70+ mod files, barring this random CTD possibly now due to the RAM issue). Oh, and don't get me started on naming things... Every has to be perfect, and when The Nexus dishes out a download the naming structure kills my eyes, so I have to go and fix up each file to boot! :P


For example in "1st Install" I will have;







And in "2nd Install" it will be;







And lastly "3rd Install" will have;







It gets more complicated than that, so I usually have a sure-fire way of getting things working from the get go, but I'm not gonna bore you with non-essential details! :P


Anyhow, I'm gonna get cracking with these new changes, update my way-over-sized-ultra-delicious-textures to a more reasonable-and-good-looking-on-the-eyes feel. Hehehe. I will also remove those [MapMenu] references...


Also, please do let me know if there are any .ini tweaks that I need to make, or remove (I posted my ini's a few posts up).


P.S, does this map look any different to the vanilla one by any chance?







As it doesn't look quite like what it should look like;




Source: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/4817/?



Edited by Deadmano
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hey man, not too much time right now...

I did have a look over your ini's and I cannot see anything wrong in there, they are pretty generic and nothing out of the ordinary.


will have a better look tomorrow :) cheers

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hey man, not too much time right now...

I did have a look over your ini's and I cannot see anything wrong in there, they are pretty generic and nothing out of the ordinary.


will have a better look tomorrow :smile: cheers

Hey mate! :smile: Just wanted to let you know that thanks to your recommendations the game is purring like a kitty! :P No hiccups whatsoever, I could even record you this little video via the very taxing FRAPS!



Tested out in several locations, both densely populated by humans and greenery alike, no performance hits, never hitting above 2.7GB of RAM usage, so it looks like I'm in the clear! I did clean up the Update.esm and the DLC's as per a TESV5 tutorial, as well as bash some mods together, and viola!


Here's the screenshot to boot;





Hopefully this can serve as a reference to someone, as to how far you can stretch your game, and what can and cannot be accomplished... I am extremely happy, and once again, thank you ever so much prod80, you're an absolute Godsend! ^^

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Good that everything works now...!


No more infinite screens? @ 2.7GB RAM usage when changed the textures, or you haven't changed them (or just part)?


I would be good for people if you could post what you have changed exactly ;)

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Good that everything works now...!


No more infinite screens? @ 2.7GB RAM usage when changed the textures, or you haven't changed them (or just part)?


I would be good for people if you could post what you have changed exactly :wink:

Heya prod80! :) I changed only a few things to lower the texture resolutions I once had, and for texture enhancer mods ONLY I am using, in order (override);



Official High Resolution Texture Pack (extracted and not enabled in mod load order, use BSA Optimizer v1.6.3 to unextract the .BSA's)

ENB Series - Skyrim v0.168 (use presets and replace all files with the RealVision files mentioned below)

RealVision ENB v1.6a for CoT v3.1 & ELFX v0.2

Serious HD Retexture v2.0

Ultimate HD Fire Effect v1.9 (Ultra Version)

Ultimate HD Torch v1.3

Ruins Clutter Improved v2.5


Grass On Steroids - SFO Edition v1.3b

Skyrim Grassification Project - SFO Edition v1.1

Static Mesh Improvement Mod v1.44

Skyrim HD v1.5 - Dungeons - 2k

Skyrim HD v1.5 - Landscape - 2k

Skyrim HD v1.5 - Misc - 2k

Skyrim HD v1.5 - Towns - 2k

Skyrim HD v1.6 - Riften - 2k

Enhanced Lights and FX v0.2a

High Quality LODs v2.1 - Meshes

High Quality LODs v2.1 - Textures

Parallax Rocks and Mountains 2 Beta v0.90

Pure Waters v4.4

Pure Waters 4.3 For Dragonborn

Pure Waters 4.3 For Dawnguard

Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Basic v181b

Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Basic Edition 2048 Tree LODs v1.41

Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Hi-Res 4k Pines For All Versions v1.41

Superior Rocks HD 2k v1.1

Ultimate HD Candle Flames v1.9



You should install it in this order, overwriting any files as you go along, and then you will get an extremely high quality game, with minimal crashes, I actually never had any in over 2 hours of gameplay, so I will settle on stable. :)


As an added extra, what I did was clean up my .esm and .esp files (only the update and expansions) using this great guide;

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