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Invisible Enemys


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i have a big Problem with invisible enemys. There is no mod which i installed who should do this. It´s not at all enemys only a few but it suicks. I first think it came from Monster Madness Mod or Claralux, because some people say this mods can do this but i unistalled this to mods and the problem still works. Anyone an idea what is the problem or which mod can bring problems with invisible enemys. sorry for my bad english but i´m from germany and its my first game i modded.



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no one who can help me....

i ask myself if its normal that the new monsters from monsters madness are all purple or blue, maybe this had to do something with the invisible mods, maybe a graphiccard problem ?

Edited by LikeButter78
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"I first think it came from Monster Madness Mod or Claralux, because some people say this mods can do this but i unistalled this to mods and the problem still works"
You uninstalled mod, did you try it on new game? Also, is it only mod-added enemies that can appear as invisible or vanilla foes as well?

Also, did you install said mods properly vai NMM or manually adding ALL files to correct folder? (Skyrim/data)
As it sounds like you are missing the mesh files for the monsters and that's why you are having issue.

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