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CB plus plus problems


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I have been having some problems getting cb plus plus to work. I use the cbbe body, I can only get the classic exe to work the other will not for some reason. I also added the support for keos skimpy armors. Im not sure if this is possible but heres the explanation.

I downloaded killer keos skimpy armor vanilla, dawngaurd, and dragonborn. That mod works fine. Im trying to find a way to add bbp to these armors. came acrossed several posts saying it was possible with cb plus plus but i cant figure out how to do this at all.


If anyone can help i would really appreciate it or if anyone else uses this mod and has already done the conversions i would appreciate it if you could upload it on skyrim nexus and pm me the link. I really do like this armor set by killer keo. I tried the remodeled armors for cbbev3 bbp and bodyslide compatible but most of those armros have the bottom of the armor looking like thongs which is why i like killer keos mod its skimpy but still tasteful. Thanks for the time and responses in advance i hope that this can be easily solved.


This is now solved not sure what i did to fix my problem but its all working now.

Edited by whitetiger2695
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