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Leveling and buying training skills


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So, coming from Oblivion i made the experience that you should not level too fast and especially try to buy 5 skills each level.

So i tried doing this in Skyrim. I was level 10 when i realized you could buy skills so i went ahead and bought 5 points. I then was short on money and made some money, improving my skills.

When i manually leveled up, i immediatly jumped to 13 and could not buy 5 more skill ponts at 11/12 but basicly got 5 bought points for 10 to 13 alltogether.


Can someone explain this issue to me. Should i worry about training skills, is the game very hard later on ? So far, its been a breeze and i feel my party (dog from vampire daedric quest and the swordmaiden from falkrath) seen to be be OP.

Im suing Skyrin Redone mod.

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