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SHould i worry about mods when getting dragonborn?


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So i play alot of skyrim and switched to pc about 3 months ago and i want to buy the dragonborn dlc for PC. I have around 60 mods including sharpshooters enb and skyre. Basically im just wondering if i have to do anything or change something before i get the dlc, thanks :)

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Some mods may require you to download a 'Dragonborn' version or patch for the mod. Some mods released before the Dragonborn DLC was released has not been properly updated for it. Most mods will be unaffected and run just fine. It all depends on the mod.

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Very few mods will require you to get patches to make them work with Dragonborn. Mostly, however, you're safe. Even the mods that require a Dragonborn patch will usually simply not affect the Dragonborn DLC without it.

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