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Tasheni's Mods - development progress and where to find


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Merry Christmas to you all!

I hope you have nice days and time to relax.


I was busy with recreating all of my scripts for Tasheni Followers. This is nearly finished. I have help now from ReDragon2013 and this is really great. He's such a good coder and I'm still a noob :turned: Result is much fewer scripts and content is good structured. Now I will start to create the ambush I planned long time ago. Some dialogue and two or three scenes need to be created, too and I've started to recreate the armor textures for better quality.

Finally the end of that first chapter is in sight, yay! :dance:


Thanks to all of my voice actors who stayed with me over years now. You are really awesome :wub:

Have agood time and stay healthy. Ciao, Tasheni

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you and a happy new year to you, too. :smile: I had a whole week full house with my family - took me two days to clean everything up after this :yes:


Today I reworked my Winterdogs mod and it's now available again :https://seeyouinskyrim.net/downloads/tasheniswinterdogs-le/


Meeko and Dooma are so cool, when they are together. They are protected, but I managed to get them killed because they got in the way and I had to resurrect them :laugh: . To prevent that you can tell them not to participate in combat. And if you sneak, they will not attack at all.

They will play around and chase each other, if you allow them to do that. Read the description on the modpage.

I have no time to do an SE port, not for the next half year.


Now I go back to my followers mod, but my life is changing these days, so I will not have so much time for modding anymore. Weekends, nights - will not get much sleep next time, I guess :tongue:

Greetings from Tasheni

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  • 1 month later...

Dear friends,

I have to say something. And I apologize, I'm affected daily by this, so I can't get back to normal work right now. Everything is delayed.

I am terrified by the latest events. Another war in europe, a one with announcement but completely without sense, without any respect for human lives. A narcissistic personality is able to make us, who live in democratic societies, all slaves.

I will never accept to draw a line. My friends are of every nation in the world. They are good people. At the moment, some of them are fighting, while otherones can't believe what's happening, so we must come together and discuss. To share informations. With respect.

We all know that everybody has his or hers own reality of life and experience and that needs to be respected. We all will lose these days and the days to come. We all are forced into a war that we mostly think is not ours. But it is.


Dear friends, in these sad days my thoughts are with the ukrainian people. And with the many russians, who do not know what's happening. And I know there are many of them who want to stand up against this paranoid agressor, but they will be tortured and captivated then.


I can't go on with modding, even playing right now, but I hope there will be progress again. I apologize. Everytime I try to get back to work my thoughts drift away to the victims - the mothers, the children, the men, who fight the devil. I wish I could do something to stop that madness.


Please stay tuned, if you like. And keep love and peace in your heart. Our world is in need of that.


Your friend Tasheni



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  • 4 weeks later...

Finally good news!


I'm nearly done. With the help of ReDragon2013 I reworked every script. I finished the ambush and the scenes dependend on this and I can say, all works really nice.

I have a deadline now. Tasheni Followers One for All and All for One part 1 will be out next weekend.

I tested everything until I fell out of my chair :laugh:. I'm proud of what I have achieved and I'm proud to present it soon to you.


Tasheni Followers are a group of adventurers with their own stories. They grow together over time. They care for each other and the player. They have fun and quarrels with each other. While the player walks his own paths, the story develops slowly. The scenes can be triggered by the palyer and reveal a lot of important information for the questline. At the end of part one there will be open questions. The stage is set for the bigger adventure in part two. The storyline is absolutely imbedded into Tamriel lore, many dialogue lines reflect that.


I reworked the appearance, added more dialogue, the story structure with log and objectives and trimmed the behavior. I hope you will have fun with my followers, so stay tuned, if the mod goes online next weekend, I will announce it here. :dance:

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Tasheni Followers - One for All and All For One Part 1 is now online, yay! :dance: :dance: :dance:

No beta anymore.


You can download it from my website without being registered:



Or download from AFK mods:



If you want to comment on my website you need to register. Comments are also welcome here at nexus.


46 banter scenes, tunes, songs and poems, 3300 lines of dialogue, quest awareness and acting together in combat are some of their features.


I'm happy. :yes:


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My Mod The Isles of Teia LE is online again:



I added an awesome labyrinth to Teia Silaselis and improved the ruins. The cocoon houses in the Crystal Cave and the igloos on Angalayond are now furnished. Enough room for followers. And real good shelter to get out of the storm on Angalayond.

The boats can be activated either with a button on the mast or on the shipswheel. Use WSAD to navigate. Navigate carefully to not get stuck :pirate:

It's worth the journey! :yes:

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  • 1 month later...

Progress Update The Isles of Teia:


Some good news and fresh stuff here, so read on, if you like.

You know that I designed my mod The Isles of Teia as the stage for the mainquest of my followers mod. Problem is, how do I move the followers from island to island? Of course they can swim. Or you can gave them boots of waterwalking. I have some teleport doors on some isles, but this is merely an emergency solution. The boats are too small to take all six followers with you, that makes no sense to create interiors for them. So I added a big Redguard ship somewhere out in the ocean. It's really big (model from DeviantKaled that is also used in the mod Ocean Sabre). Deviant sent me all his stuff I'm allowed to use - hey Deviant, thank you so much, your stuff is awesome!

When player swims near the ship's hull he is teleported automatically on deck. Like my other boats, player can furl the sails and drop the anchor or raise the anchor and unfurl the sails and sail that big vessel! I totally reworked that script and it works like a charm and is fun! That ship also works as a playerhome. Now you can anchor everywhere and enjoy your stay :)

I'm currently working on the interior. I posted screenshots of the cabin in the images section, just take a look. It's WIP, oh well, that cabin has no straight walls or floors, everything is curved and it's totally difficult to add fitting stuff that keeps the style I wanted to achieve. I focused on storage and rope design and on the lights. There are a lot of animated drawers where player can store his stuff. Under the ceiling are fishingnets with deco: some birds and animated windy things from Tamira and Stroti. Baskets attached to ropes hang from the ceiling, every single one is a container. The desk contains five animated drawers. I created a board with six animated drawers and two boxes below the board, all for storage.

I carefully attached the lights: The candles are red and the candleflames have my own texture and I added a much warmer tone to them. I created unique paintings for the walls. And there is a trapdoor to link the cabin to the basement without needing to go outside.

In the basement are six hammocks for the followers, but nothing else, yet. I will start to work on this when the cabin is finished.

Now I need a script to teleport followers with the player from water on board and through the doors. Load doors don't work with a movable static, so I use activators for the doors. I need now to figure out, how the script must look like, when I want to teleport any follower with the player.

I look especially at the setup when player travels to Solstheim the first time. Beth stowed every follower away and moved them back to the player when he has reached Solstheim and the ship is docked. This setup is the only one who allows npcs to move around on board. When player rides back to Skyrim, the navmesh is cut off and npcs are stowed away again. I will try to make a similar setup, but I know this will be very tricky. The ship must dock in an exact position where the navmesh is put.

But step by step. First I must figure out how to transport followers on deck or into the cabin, when player is moved there.

If you have any ideas about that, your suggestions are much appreciated.

If all goes well and my time allows that, there will be an update out with this ship, as soon as it's finished.


Happy modding and greetings from Tasheni :)


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  • 1 month later...

Dear fellows, real life takes it's toll and I have no time for modding anymore. My last gift for you is just out on nexus, The Pride of Teia: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/112708

I hope to get back to it in one or two years, but who knows what life brings.


I will frequently be around if my time allows that, but not often. Tasheni Followers will stay an unfinished mod, and also The Isles of Teia. Despite that, it's really worth to play them, just try them out if you haven't already.


Thank you all for your kind support over the years. If you feel generous, support me on seeyouinskyrim.net. I'm always happy to hear from you.


Greetings and best wishes, Tasheni

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