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Sliders not showing all options?


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Got a quick question.


I am currently using a custom race: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/35474/?


And while i am curring enjoying it 99%. Ive ran into an odd thing with the character edit.


When choosing presets (i use SkyUI if it helps) with the specific race the mod has, i notice that some of the pre-sets will default some items (such as mouth shape) Beyond what the ui will let me chose if i change it.


For instance. Preset 4 will set the 'mouth-shape' to say... 34. I click either left or right arrows on that particular option and it jumps down to 30 and refuses to go any higher.


Anyone have any idea what might be causing this?


Thanks for any tips =)

Edited by ShadowWolf81
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