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Combat stance stutter/twitch with camera mouse pitch


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Hello all,


In combat stance, every time I move my mouse up and down to change the camera's vertical angle (pitch), my player character "twtiches"/reacts to the movement of the camera. It looks like the player is sort of hunching and then unhunching their shoulders while alternating rapidly between a wider stance to a less wide stance whenever I touch the mouse. It's very annoying. This doesn't happen at all in the non-combat idle stance (the player is perfectly stationary with respect to all movement of the mouse).


Is this a well known phenomenon? If so are there any mods to fix it? If it is not well known, I can post a video detailing what's going on exactly.



Edited by SullX
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Ok I have deduced what is happening.


It appears that when in combat stance mode, the combat idle animations are reverting back to the vanilla idle position when the mouse is moved. Without fail, if I move my mouse constantly the player holds the vanilla combat stance position, but when I stop moving the camera, the player returns to the modded animation stance.


How can I fix this??

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