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Skyrim won't launch


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Hi guys,


So I just update SKSE a few days ago and I was able to play Skyrim with it (big deal for me, my little faithful laptop can run some pretty big stuff with some coaxing and love.)


So by now I have about 60-80 mods running and it's having a bad impact on my FPS and gameplay. Not to mention my laptop is starting to overheat. So I decide it's time for a downgrade. I get rid of about a third to a half of my mods. Nothing huge, but just some armor replacers and standalones I don't use anymore.


Now Skyrim won't launch and immediately CTD after the "Bethesda" screen when loading. It won't launch from SKSE, Steam, or from the .esp file in my Skyrim folder.


The mods I've been messing with lately are Dual Sheath Redux and Animation Tweaks and Fixes.


I ran CCleaner to see if it was being caused by any old version of mods conflicting, but it's still happening.



I would forever be grateful for some assistance. Thanks in advance.

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Thanks. I will try that out.


Regardless of how this works out, I've learned a lesson. I have too many mods. I've been digging around the net for guides on how to clean-slate Skyrim, but I'm no computer wiz. So far my best guide is this one, but I'm still a little timid to start deleting files from my Data folder. Has anyone used this guide before and if so, is it okay to go by?


Right now my plan is to use Wyrebash to teach myself how to use it and learn more about modding, then do a clean-slate and re-install to start my mod collection over. Any red herrings that I need to be wary of?

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