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Weapon Condition


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On every weapon there is a condition bar that shows what state of (dis)repair the weapon is in. And on every condition bar there are 2 up and down pointing arrows that indicate the point past which the weapon's stats and performance will begin to suffer.

I want to know how (if possible) to alter the spot the arrows show up on at on the condition bar. Maybe make a VERY finicky weapon that starts to suffer really early, or a very reliable weapon that doesn't show wear and tear till half condition.


I DON'T want to just alter the total health of the weapon, just the point at which the stats start to suffer.


Thank you for any help you can give.

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No response in two hours means the forum is dead?


It could also mean that it's a National holiday for a large number of people and they have better things to do or that no one has seen your thread and knows the answer to your question.


To my knowledge, the answer is no. I'm not an expert on the way the HUD works (meaning that I don't have in-depth, extensive knowledge of its inner workings), but I don't think that the position of the wear marker can be changed via scripting.

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