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Duplicate Texture & Meshes Folders


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I'm new to using mods and have only tried 1 or two that seem to work.


I have been copying the TEXTURES & MESHES from the mods to the main folders in the DATA directory and so far so good.


Some mods have the same folder names in TEXTURES & MESHES, for example:


weapons and Weapons.


Are these the same or will F3 recognize the difference?


Also, if I have two folders named "weapons" can I just copy the files into one "weapons" folder and will it work?


Thanks in advance for your help.

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I'm new to using mods and have only tried 1 or two that seem to work.


I have been copying the TEXTURES & MESHES from the mods to the main folders in the DATA directory and so far so good.


Some mods have the same folder names in TEXTURES & MESHES, for example:


weapons and Weapons.


Are these the same or will F3 recognize the difference?


Also, if I have two folders named "weapons" can I just copy the files into one "weapons" folder and will it work?


Thanks in advance for your help.


As far as I know, Windows does not distinguish between folder names with different letter casing so moving or copying a folder called "Weapons" into a directory which already has a folder called "weapons" should normally cause the operating system to merge them rather than allow them to exist side by side. I could be wrong, but at least my operation system does not allow multiple subfolders in the same folder to be called the same regardless of letter casing, but yours could be different though I doubt it. As for folder merging, as long as the filepaths of the mod is preserved, you can merge the folders as you please.


Basically if you have two weapons that both unpack to "Data/meshes/weapons/modweapon1/etc..." and the other to "Data/meshes/weapons/modweapon2/etc..." the folders should merge when you extract the archives to the Data folder (or move the folders there as described in the mod read-me file. If the unpacking destination of the archive is not described in the read-me, you should ask the author to write the instructions there as it makes it easier for new mod consumers to install mods with explicit instructions).

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Thanks Baelkin, :thanks:


I appreciate you taking the time to reply. I knew about the casing, (I was just having a missing memory moment).


I will try emailing to get some help.


It is unfortunate that some modders make "assumptions" that everyone knows all there is to know about how to install mods.


Thanks again for your reply.



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