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Consume Stamina while swinging your weapon


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Im looking for a mod that consume a small among of stamina every time you swing your weapon and consume a lot more for a power attack.



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Im looking for a mod that consume a small among of stamina every time you swing your weapon and consume a lot more for a power attack.



Swift Potions; allows you to auto use potions once its below a certain percentage. Doesn't do "exactly" what you're looking for, its non the less auto and convenient :)


And in future, please post this in the Mod Detectives page.



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thx for the reply

I'm not really sure about that swift potion tho.


maybe it's because of the word "consume". I should have used the word "cost" instead. Every swings cost you a certain among of stamina like oblivion and a power attack will cost you even more


As for posting in detective mod, I already did. This post was here because I wasn't sure.

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