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Seriously? Have to have Dawnguard to use reproccer?


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I have none of the dlc's like Dragonborn and Dawnguard . To use reproccer for Skyre I need Dawnguard correct?


Am I right in assuming that installing armor and weapon mods and using Skyre (which I would love to use as it is fricken awesome) basically breaks the game?


If this is the case, is there a work around and why no love for us who did not buy the DLC Dawnguard?


So basically I have to choose no armor & weapon mods to use Skyre correct? I can use Skyre with no mods I guess but that sort of defeats the purpose of the PC version of Skyrim, I love the amidianborn silence mods (HD weapons and armor ).



Is there anything I can do or is there a Skyrim Vanilla version of reproccer for Skyre i do not know about? bleh

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There's "no love" for people who don't have the 2 main DLC packs because they're treasure troves of modding resources. Asking a modder to ignore Dawnguard or Dragonborn would force them to either make the mod twice with double the work, or would decrease the features of the mod overall.

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Read up boy. Patch up to the latest non dawn guard/dlc version (1.162 i beleive) and you dont NEED the reproccer... no armor and weapon values are changed...

Edited by Argrista
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Read up boy. Patch up to the latest non dawn guard/dlc version (1.162 i beleive) and you dont NEED the reproccer... no armor and weapon values are changed...


What! Interesting....Maybe ill just get Dawnguard...would it work if I just got Dragonborn as well?

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We will all I suspect, now that the Legendary Pack has been bought out, eventually need all three DLC's for the Lions Share of Mods to come in the future....I do not want Hearthfire, I have zero interest in playing SIMS in Skyrim, but I realize it will only be a matter of time that I will probably eventually have to get it if I want to explore newer Mods in the future.

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