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Wait-function broken, bugged health bar, black screen.


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So I have about 60 mods installed. I recently started running into an issue with getting infinite loading screens when trying to fast travel or enter/exit buildings. I searched around for solutions and I tried a bunch of different things but none seemed to work.


Now I saw someone suggest that I go into steam and use the option to verify integrity of game content. It told me one file was missing and that it was being reacquired. So I start my game and I realize I just introduced a whole new problem.


My waiting function and in-game clock is now totally broken. When I try to wait for a few hours my screen goes black (not the menus or the HUD though) and the only way to fix it is to fast travel somewhere. That works but I see that I now have zero health. My health bar is completely empty and using potions or healing does not fix it. I also could not be killed by NPCs.


I have no idea how to fix this issue. The infinite loading screen and now this have made me consider just deleting everything and starting a new game form scratch. It is very frustrating. The only thing holding me back is that I've put about 40 hours into my game already and I really would like to salvage it if possible.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Perhaps the file it detected as broken was


* on of your ini files in My Documents\My Games\Skyrim and you need to redo it before your mods (which might require changes in them) will work again

* on of your official .esm files which you cleaned with Tes5Edit and now restored to your dirty version


Check last modified date on your files to see what Steam replaced.

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