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No random dragons seem to be spawning nor do i seem to be able to abso


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Hello People of the Nexus Forums


I know there have been similar threads to this but I haven't been able to resolve my issue from what I have read so far.


As the name of the topic suggests there does not seem to be any random dragon spawns in my game also I can’t absorb dragon souls. I have progressed far enough through the story to ensure dragons spawn with no results. Running around slewing dragons is such a massive part of Skyrim and not being able to sucks ass. All of this seems to of started since I installed the Dragonborn DLC.


I have tried downloading the unofficial Dragonborn patch and putting it in the right load order but I do not seem to be having any luck with it. can anyone tell me how I can get a list of my load order that I can easily copy to the post, so someone can inspect it and tell me where some works needs to be done changing my load order or removing any mods you think are conflicting.


Any help will be very muchly appreciated I have been trying to sort it out for the last week or so and getting nowhere :(.


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not sure what the problem is a glitch or just the game

dragons you ve killed on at world walls respawn every 30 days i think and killing them again will not give you a soul

secod dragons only begon to spawn regular after you went to kynesgrove with delphine and slay that dragon there

thats after you retrieve the horn for the greybeard


a option is to try the deadly dragons mod it allows you to tweak the rate of dragons spawning


hopefully this helps

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Hello thank you for replying


I am currently on diplomatic immunity so dragons should be spawning but I am having no luck at all. So you’re saying if I install the deadly dragon’s mod I should be able to see random dragons spawning in?


I will give that a go and see what happens but I would prefer a proper fix to the problem but if that mod can get me by for now I will use it.




Edit: i do not have Dawnguard so i will not be able to install the deadly dragons mod :(

Edited by Pandawh
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Do you have the Unofficial Skyrim Patch? My problem with not absorbing soul ceased completely after installing it. As for spawning dragon rate mod, I once used a mod doing that (not deadly dragon), but it caused problem: all random spawned dragon stuck to one kind, that is, if I encountered a frost dragon, all random dragon I met later were frost dragons. As for second dragon killed at fixed location won't giving soul claim, that is not correct, it's a bug that was corrected by USKP

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Yes i do have the Unofficial Skyrim Patch installed as well as the Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.


would it help if i posted a list of all the mods i have installed and the load order? If so what is the best way of getting that information i have BOSS installed if that helps?

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