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Need help adding collision to a cube.


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Hey folks.


Having trouble with a mesh collision. I've used the markarthblocktemp01.nif to build a large structure in an upcoming update to my mod, but when I test it in game there seems to be no collision as I and any NPCs can walk right through it (quite the problem since the blocks are supposed to be building a giant wall!)


Is there an easy way to add collision to an object (it is just a big cube) through the CK or Nifscope, or alternatively would anyone be willing to help me out and add the collision to the object for me (I can PM you the .nif)? Would be much obliged for any assistance!



Edited by Kualan
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I recommend not to use collision for every single block, but to add collision to the whole structure once it is finished. If you are not familiar doing this in Blender or another 3D program (like myself) you can use NifUtils/ChunkMerge to create collision.



Edit: No, stop! that will create collision for every single block as well.

Maybe you could try the "combine shapes" function in Nifskope to create a single NiTriShape after you are done, provided you use only that block to build the structure.


Edit 2: I had a look at the markarthblocktemp01.nif, it is huge! So you will not need too many of them to create a new building.

Too many small separate blocks, each with it's own collision, could cause the game engine to crash.


I made a collision for the Nif and sent it to you in a PM.

Edited by Tamira
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