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Game freezing after TE5EDIT Cleaning


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Dear friends,


This is my first topic in the forum, and I would like to ask for your help.

I have skyrim, and a lot of mods in it, around 150, not so much if compared to other players. My game was working fine, until now.

My game has 2 character saves, my brother saves, and my saves. My brother was having some problems in his game, beside all the problems (such as constant CTDs and infinite load screens), only his game had this problems, my save was just fine, I could play for 2 or 3 hours, and have occasional CTDs, and never had infinite load screens. For trying to solve his problems, I used BOSS, and I saw some dirty edits, which I cleaned as asked. After my cleaning, Boss didn't complaing about anything else, my brother saves are now working properly, no more infinite load screens, and now he has only occasional CTDs like I was having.

But I solved his problem, and now I'm having problems with my savegame, after the cleaning, the game always freezes with around 5-10 minutes of playing time. I don't know why that happens, since I didn't do anything else beyond that cleaning, no more mods installed, no change in the load order. I don't see any reason why that's happening to me. If anyone knows, I would be grateful, I don't want to start all over again, since I already restarted the game twice when I was already very well advanced and in high level, all because of mods messing my game (Vanilla sucks).


Thank you all.

Edited by Salvinha
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It sounds like to me you are having mod conflicts. I use about 75 mods at any given time with skse and without an enb. I have no CTDs and a frame rate of about 45-50. Personally, I would note your load order. yes I know it will take a long time, but write down all of your active mods in the order that they are loaded into the game. then remove all of the mods and start Skyrim. If that helps, start reactivating your mods 2 or 3 at a time. every time you activate a mod play the game for about 5 min, then activate another. this way you can systematically figure out what mod(s) are causing the problems. also factors like skse or an enb can effect the stability of the game. note: do not save during this process. also if you havnt played Skyrim in a while, it may "hiccup" (a temporary loss of frame rate) from time to time. I have reasoned that this is because the computer is not used to dealing with so mush data at a time, just wait on it and it will fix its self. Hope this helps.

Edited by mdm1088
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I manually cleaned all my mods too and my save also stopped working. I don't really know why. I just started a new game. It runs a lot smoother though so I'm happy.

Most mods should be save to clean, except the Unofficial patches and Skyrim.esm.

Edited by thenobody0
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After all your answers, I will do as said, I will start a new save, only for testing, if the game doesn't freeze, unfortunately I will have to go throug everything all over again. But now I will not install any news scripted mods, or even update them, I will play until I get bored, this way I will avoid all that s***work.

But I'm almost sure what mod cleaning caused that. If it is what I think, I will reinstall this one. If it isn't, unfortunately I don't remember all the mods I cleaned. :S

Edited by Salvinha
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