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How to improve my Desktop to run Skyrim


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I have been playing skyrim for a while without an enb, at about 50 fps on Ultra (however my game stutters frequently)


I just tried using the Opethfeldt Enb mod and it lags bad not even playable on High.


I have a GTX 670 graphics card and 10gb of RAM


I was thinking it may be my CPU, "Intel® Xeon® CPU ES420 @ 2.50 GHz (2 Processors)"


I am running on Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit if that matters


Please tell me what I can do/buy for my pc to improve my Skyrim performance


I would like to ideally remain running a decent amount of mods and high def textures


Thanks for the help :)

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your system should pull ENB with ease...


Alright, ENB is software rendering, meaning on high end systems you get between 35-50 FPS outside and 60 inside when running a heavy ENB and when ran together with high res textures and whatnot. This is normal.


You can monitor your CPU usage, but I doubt it will be the limited factor... nevertheless, download Skyrim Performance Monitor from nexus and set it up to launch the game with your launcher (probably SKSE) and in the Setup options tick the box (experimental) to support for custom d3d9.dll if you test with ENB enabled.


If that turns out all well then please post here a screenshot of the result, and you Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini (if you have edited them) located here: My Documents\My Games\Skyrim ... a Modlist (especially installed texture replacers - which do not show up in load order) would be handy, including the resolution.


Also please check your NVidia control panel for Skyrim (TESV.exe)... make sure that Ambient Occlusion is disabled (ENB will do AO... enabling it in Control panel makes the calculation done twice) and Texture Filtering is set to Quality (not High Quality) VSync should be On and AF set to 16x


In Skyrim Launcher display settings you have to disable AA, FXAA and AF (NVidia AF is faster and better) for ENB

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Downloading the monitor now, I'll get back with results on that, My Skyrim.ini file is unchanged, but my skyrimprefs.ini, has been edited to the enb page's suggestion as follows



the rest of the settings remain the same.


I have a lot of Mods enabled, so I'll only list the big ones :]

Gypsy Eyes Caravan

Convenient Horses Herding v1_1

Convenient Horses v4_6

Skytest Realistic Animals and Predators 1_27E Full Pack

YY Anim Replacer Mystic Knight

Dance Of Death

Caliente's Vanilla Outfits for CBBE

Colovian Leather

Dude Where's My Pants_Leather Armor

Immersive Armors

Iron Armor Variant with Sleeves and Chainmail (craftable)

Heart of the Beast

Improved Combat Sounds

Automatic Variants-AV Stable BETA

Automatic Variants-Bellyaches Animals AV Package

Automatic Variants-InsanitySorrow AV Package

Automatic Variants-Sounajpr AV Package

StarX AV Package Draugr SDM

Bandanas of Skyrim

Cloaks of Skyrim

Expanded Jewelry Crafting

Face Masks of Skyrim

HD Miraak Remake

Winter Is Coming Cloaks

Locational Damage

Deadly Mutilation


Lush Grass

Apachii Sky Hair

Enivision Face

The Eyes of Beauty


Pure Waters


Amidianborn Book of Silence

JAYUS Swords

Edited by kingqueenjack
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what the hell, that looks wrong? You actually went into a game and played a bit? non of your system resources are being used... according to the perf. monitor... can you tell exactly how did you run that...(with ENB or not and/or did you tick the setup option to support ENB inside the perf. mon....?) only Skyrim startup or what is it that we see...

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something is definitely holding back your system... your GPU is averaging at 57%, which is rather low, considering your FPS ~35 it should be running 90%+


I would suggest to run some benchmarks to figure out the limiting factor, perhaps Passmark software ( http://www.passmark.com/products/pt.htm ) Performance Test can provide you more details which part of the hardware is holding it back... Seeing both your CPU and GPU being hold back, perhaps your memory is slow... I'd run some test to find the troublemaker.

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