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FOMM Fallout 3 No .ini file (But I do have one) [Steam]


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When I access the FOMM Package Manager it tells me that I have no .ini file for Fallout 3. Yet, I do. I've looked at it, attempted to do manual editing for archiveinvalidationinvalidated when the program file couldn't see the folder (No, it its not hidden), which turned out to not be needed at all, and just generally looked at this file multiple times. I have a saved game already on Fallout 3. But for some reason FOMM keeps claiming I have no .ini file.


I have installed FOMM correctly, I used to have Wanderer's Edition installed and am currently attempting to reinstall. One, if anybody has a fix that would be great. Two, if a fix is unavailable, can I continue installing Wanderer's Edition and other mods without this affecting me, as I do have an .ini file? Will the fact that the mod manager claims I don't have one actually affect since I do?

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the game will not run without an ini file, it's with the saved game folder in your "My Games\fallout3" folder in your documents users folder.

which version of fallout mod manager do you have? FWE requires that ini to be there to install too. so the post is weird here.? just what is going on?


steam or no, you always have those files. if you allowed the Fomm type to auto update and replace missing information? then uninstall fomm, and reboot.

it's installed wrong. Fomm does not have the correct or support strings for it to auto update anything but it's mod sorting template. Buggy too , I have both items listed in my signature, for fomm and the fix for the template so it does not crash on you, the fix is there so it will download and install the latest Boss template for sorting your mods with......it requires. again, Fomm will not update mods, it will not replace missing information as it says, it was made long ago for the old nexus setup, not as it is now. things change, fomm did not.


(Example of data locations:...C:\Users\(username)\Documents\My games\fallout3\fallout.ini ).



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