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Quest glitch, unnable to proceed. Greybeards in combat.


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Yeh so after about 25h in game I decided to start the "main" questline where you for the first time go to the Greybeards.

Only to find them in some kind of combat mode, as if they were attacking something way far. So they just walk in the direction of this, whatever it is, and

naturally get stuck in the wall. Now, if I leave High Hrothgar (sorry if that's misspelled) then they appear outside aswell only now they are "free". I lost them once doing this, luckily I was able to track them, since the quest tracker followed them, I tracked them almost all the way to Riften...And that's where they killed som bandits and more, after this they simply turned back, slowly walking in the direction of High Hrothgar. Now that's where I didn't follow them and lost them, since I was able to speak to the one you usually speak and the quest tracker was removed..I had to reload back to the earlier save. But this keeps happening everytime I reload.

I'm lost, if you tell me there's nothing to do and I need to start a new game I will be crushed.. Please help me out!

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have you tried waiting inside high hrothgar for a few days and seeing if they return? iv had something similar to that happen to me before, granted I didn't find them half way across the province, but after a few days in game they returned there and all was well with the world. id suggest making a new save, just in case im wrong, and then waiting for a while to see if they return.

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