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Crash to Desktop (Multiple Occasions, Somewhat Random)


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The reason the game was crashing when I tried to loot the black mage robes ended up being because of UNP corruption. I reinstalled the body mod and things worked fine. I also did some cleaning of the files (no Wrye Bash yet) and, so far, I've played several hours with no crashing whatsoever. I just hit another snag and I'm *rather certain* it has to do with SkyMoMod this time.


I found the Riverside Shack (near Kynesgrove), and there's an ogre resident there. If I try to quicksave or quickload (upon death), I'll instantly crash to desktop. If I try to fast travel (upon defeating him), I'll crash to desktop. Prior to encountering the ogre, everything is fine. Afterwards, however, if I try to fast travel, load, save *or* enter a building (I walked all the way to Windhelm and entered) I'll crash to desktop.

Edited by Archonis1
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I have never actually used the Skyrim Monster Mod before, I personally prefer Immersive Creatures, but that does still sound like a problem with the leveled lists. try uninstalling MoMod for a moment and see how it performs but I do think that fiddling with wrye bash will turn up better results. at least I hope so. I also don't want to be "this guy" but I haven't heard of too many good things to say about SkyMoMod, I cant confirm anything but its just what I had read on other forums.

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