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Bow-Specific Crosshair Disable?


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Hey guys, I was looking around for some fancy arrow mods to experiment with, and I was stoked to find the arrow speed mods and angle changers that made it much more realistic, as I end up using a bow more often than not across all 7 characters, even the 2-handed tank :p And I was almost sure I saw something that someone made to disable the crosshair only when a bow is equipped, which sounds amazing, and for the life of me I couldn't find anything like it. I was hoping it would be something fairly easy to code, just an if/then/while type thing, but I haven't done much in the way of modding so if anyone is interested or can tell me what I need to do to make it, this is all it is:


Crosshair turns off when a bow is equipped, with the possible option to turn off only when an arrow is notched.


Reason being:


Everywhere I searched came people who love aiming a bow and getting those badass killcams without the crosshair, but it isn't worth the effort to constantly turn it on and off because some people like having it for melee, and for magic it gets a bit frustrating without one. It allows for better immersion, not important to me but I know it would be prrretty dope to be able to roam around with no help and pull off some "no scopes", if you will


Thanks for the interest!

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