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Did my best to trouble shoot mod problems, but my newbiness was too st


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*Edit* "...newbiness was too strong" Is what the title is suppose to say.


Hey, first, thanks for taking the time to read this post.


I just bought Skyrim with DLC included and started to install mods when I realized how much better it made the game. However, I do have a consistent problem with fast travel sending me crashing to the desktop. Spent most of the last few days isolating which mods sent me to desktop quicker. I'll post them below in the hopes someone can hit me up with the right direction.


First, the specs on my comp (I think it might be part of the prob somehow)


Windows Vista 32-bit

Processor Intel Core i5-2400 3.10 ghz

16 gb ram


The mods that seem to work:

Unofficial Skyrim Patch - Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Unofficial Hearthfire Patch - Unofficial Hearthfire Patch

Unofficial Dawnguard Patch - Unofficial Dawnguard Patch

Unofficial Dragonborn Patch - Unofficial Dragonborn Patch

STEP - Skyrim Total Enhancement Project - STEP v2-2-6 Wiki Guide

Static Mesh Improvement Mod


The Eyes Of Beauty - The Eyes Of Beauty PLAYER Unleashed

Beards - High Resolution

Mature skin texture and body for UNP CBBE ADEC - Body and face normal maps CBBE

MacKoms Real Skin for Men - MacKoms Real Skin for Men - freckled

Ethereal Elven Overhaul - Ethereal Elven Overhaul

Convenient Horses - Convenient Horses v4_7

Footprints - Footprints v0_99

Enhanced Lights and FX

Run For Your Lives - Run For Your Lives


The Mods that don't work , but I wish they would:

Atvir Dres - The Last Prince of Tear - Atvir Dres - Alpha 0_29_5

Enhanced Night Skyrim - Enhanced Night Skyrim v04 High Stars

Guard Dialogue Overhaul - Guard Dialogue Overhaul

High Res Face Maps for Men by Geonox - V1

Improved NPC Clothing - High Res - Improved NPC Clothing_1_8_1_MORE_DIRT

No More Blocky Faces - No_More_Blocky_Faces-1_50

Skyrim Flora Overhaul - Vurts Skyrim Flora Overhaul v13 Hi-Res version

Superior Lore-Friendly Hair - HD textures

Vendor Sale Delay - GONE - Vendor Sale Delay v1-3-1


I know this is a lot, but I will take any help. Thank y'all.





Edited by siearia22
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Windows Vista 32-bit




Mods with problems --> textures





Go and do this;


That might fix the CTD issues.



PS. There is no way those listed texture replacer mods "dont work" unless you royally (and on purpose) screwed with the data folder or are running a cracked version of the game (as those tend to have really weird problems)

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Windows Vista 32-bit




Mods with problems --> textures





Go and do this;



That might fix the CTD issues.



PS. There is no way those listed texture replacer mods "dont work" unless you royally (and on purpose) screwed with the data folder or are running a cracked version of the game (as those tend to have really weird problems)


No, not cracked. Bought from Best Buy. I did download one .dll file and put it in Data, but I thought I removed it since I was too new at this to know what I was doing. I'll recheck and make sure it is gone.


Thank you very much for the help and the link!

Edited by siearia22
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there are some .dll files that are for the data folder, mostly belonging to applications that generate plugins (SkyProc, Reproccer, ASIS, etc) or applications that use script extending (SKSE) your game will stop working if you remove such a required .dll, or those patchers will not work anymore. So, take care what you put in and why you put it in, so you don't accidentally destroy something because you don't know what it is :smile:


That tweak for Vista 32bit fixes a lot of issues for people. So I hope it will help you get a bit of stability. Cheers.

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there are some .dll files that are for the data folder, mostly belonging to applications that generate plugins (SkyProc, Reproccer, ASIS, etc) or applications that use script extending (SKSE) your game will stop working if you remove such a required .dll, or those patchers will not work anymore. So, take care what you put in and why you put it in, so you don't accidentally destroy something because you don't know what it is :smile:


That tweak for Vista 32bit fixes a lot of issues for people. So I hope it will help you get a bit of stability. Cheers.



Prompted by your "really, really don't mess with the data folder" I went in and checked...lo and behold that .dll was still sitting there. Embarrassed, I removed it, and I also followed the tweak to unlocking my RAM. I think I'll leave the .dll files alone from now on.


But, hey, guess what? The game now actually works with the mods I have activated. No matter how many times I quick travel, no CTD. Even before the mods sometimes I would CTD.


Thank you so much for the kick in the head and pointing me in the right direction.


*runs off to marvel at her purdy-purdy game*

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