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Can someone help me here? I've asked everywhere else.


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I'm sorry that this isn't the forum for troubleshooting but I have run out of places to ask for help. I recently switched to Nemesis from FNIS.


You see I had Arrows and Bolts tweaks installed with AGO and with the bonus speed from ABT and the Perk from the Ordinator Archery tree I had a pretty fast draw and fire speed. However the second I switched to Nemesis and installed CGO the draw and fire speed is vanilla. After messing around I found out the cause, something in AGO and CGO messes it up. The second I disable the two mods the draw and fire speed becomes fast again.


Can somebody please help me out here, the game is absolutely unplayable to me because I'm so used to the faster speed and I'm so used to playing with AGO. How do I fix this? AGO is a must for me, but I don't really care about CGO, I actually regret installing it now because I switched to Nemesis because of it and now I have this entire mess.


I just wanna fix this so I can go back to playing Skyrim again.


Here are 2 clips of when I disable and enabled AGO and CGO so you can see what I mean.


Please, I'm begging for help here.


I know it doesn't seem like a huge difference but it is really noticable in game.





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There is no fast or easy way to "Fix" your problem, Either alter your load order so the desired mod comes after (further down the plugin's list ) of the undesired one and hope this corrects the problem or 2 uninstalled the undesireable mod roll back to a save that doesn't have referances to that mod and play on from there.


Depending on what the mod does you'll have to rerun certain utilities after making changes. (in Example FNIS, Wryebash etc.)


small hint this is why it's a good practice to get into to take your last save you made prior to add new mods and make a backup of it so you can fall back to it if things go south and you have to uninstall all the new mods.


Modding Rule - never change mods mid play no matter what, you want to try mods out create a throw a way character (on a different profile if your mod manager supports it)

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Chances are that nemesis doesn't support one of the mods you have. Something might want to consider is searching for a patch for them, or a different version that does the same thing. I personally don't see how nemesis, an animation manager could control draw speed, except the animation itself.


As the person above said, you'd have to manually change the load order to see if maybe that fixes your issue. When you run LOOT, it often mentions and links you towards a mod's compatibilities page and explains all the little finicks that mods have with each other. Those compatibility pages might be a good place to start with for you. Unfortunately, I don't use the mods you've mentioned as I prefer the smaller animation-related mods. CGO is simply too involved and buggy for my tastes. It's the kind of mod where if you just do one thing wrong, your character is broken and you have to do something to fix it. Archery overhaul, I've never tried. I'm sure I'd have better advice if I did use them, but this and what Davin said are your best bets.

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