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Try to install Mods


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Hello community,


i've tried vortex - but vortex installs the mods only. Vortex didn't copy the pak files into the mod folder, in my profile and it didn't modify the modsettings.lsx. The load order is empty. If i copy the paks to the mod folder then the mods shown up but it's not managed by vortex and didn't run, if i start the game, because of the missing modded lsx file.
Now, i am trying to mod it myself.

Here is my modsettings.lsx - but the game crashes if it loads the mods at startup:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <version major="4" minor="0" revision="5" build="100"/>
    <region id="ModuleSettings">
        <node id="root">
	       <node id="ModOrder"> 
		<node id="Module">
		  <attribute id="UUID" type="FixedString" value="6cdf7b52-6dd7-4d2f-88b6-745e7199ecef"/>
		<node id="Module">
		  <attribute id="UUID" type="FixedString" value="c50e0043-fe35-43a4-8d58-f76b5ba90065"/>
		<node id="Module">
		  <attribute id="UUID" type="FixedString" value="44c1adf4-9b2e-47e9-b20b-c090d837b98a"/>
                <node id="Mods">
                        <node id="ModuleShortDesc">
                            <attribute id="Folder" type="LSString" value="Gustav"/>
                            <attribute id="MD5" type="LSString" value=""/>
                            <attribute id="Name" type="LSString" value="Gustav"/>
                            <attribute id="UUID" type="FixedString" value="991c9c7a-fb80-40cb-8f0d-b92d4e80e9b1"/>
                            <attribute id="Version64" type="int64" value="36028797018963968"/>
			<node id="ModuleShortDesc">
				<attribute id="Folder" type="LSWString" value="LvlUp"/>
				<attribute id="MD5" type="LSString" value=""/>
				<attribute id="Name" type="FixedString" value="LvlUp"/>
				<attribute id="UUID" type="FixedString" value="6cdf7b52-6dd7-4d2f-88b6-745e7199ecef"/>
				<attribute id="Version" type="int32" value="1.31"/>
			<node id="ModuleShortDesc">
				<attribute id="Folder" type="LSWString" value="Powerful_Characters"/>
				<attribute id="MD5" type="LSString" value=""/>
				<attribute id="Name" type="FixedString" value="Powerful_Characters"/>
				<attribute id="UUID" type="FixedString" value="c50e0043-fe35-43a4-8d58-f76b5ba90065"/>
				<attribute id="Version" type="int32" value="2.0"/>
			<node id="ModuleShortDesc">
				<attribute id="Folder" type="LSWString" value="AllItems"/>
				<attribute id="MD5" type="LSString" value=""/>
				<attribute id="Name" type="FixedString" value="AllItems"/>
				<attribute id="UUID" type="FixedString" value="44c1adf4-9b2e-47e9-b20b-c090d837b98a"/>
				<attribute id="Version" type="int32" value="268435456"/>

or somebody can help me with my vortex problem?


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